| 经济管理学院

Strategic Plan



North China University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as NCUT) was established by Beijing Municipal Government in 1985, and School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as SEM) was established at NCUT in 1994. SEM has grown rapidly and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in business administration field. SEM has been successful in recruiting and retaining excellent faculty, and actively encourages their professional development by providing support for research and instruction. In concordance with ACBSP standards, SEM is continuously engaged in student assessment efforts.

SEM now has a workforce of96people, consists of81full-time faculty members and15management and supporting staffs. Among our faculty, 60.5% of them have senior profession titles and 86% of them have a Ph.D., 65.4% of our faculty members are under the age of 45. SEM has an enrollment of approximately1,500undergraduate students and280postgraduates, who can earn Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting, International Economics & Trade and Economics & Finance, and earn MBA, MPAcc and master’s degree of Business Administration and Applied Economics. The continuing budget from local government provides the needed personnel (faculty and staff) and funds for operations including faculty development, technology upgrades, and other expenditures such as student scholarships, internships, supplies, etc.

Recruiting and retaining qualified faculty is a priority for SEM. SEM makes every effort to provide our faculty with a collegial and nurturing environment that encourages discovery and dissemination of new knowledge, fosters interdisciplinary work, and provides rewards for significant achievements. SEM’s major faculty management policies, procedures, and practices provide guidance for faculty planning, faculty recruitment, faculty mentoring, faculty teaching loads, faculty development and faculty qualifications. SEM has developed a Faculty Handbook, including faculty recruitment, faculty qualification criteria, faculty mentoring, salary policies, reward and punishment policies, sabbatical leave application guidelines and other aspects related to the faculty development. SEM supports the professional development of faculty and assists the faculty in achieving success and satisfaction in every stage of a faculty member’s career. Faculty development practices in SEM are guided by our Strategic Plan. The faculty development practices have continuously strengthened the overall portfolio of faculty intellectual contributions.

Internally, we have identified four main challenges facing SEM: (1) improve the instruction performance of undergraduate and postgraduate performance, (2) improve the academic research level, (3) improve the management of student, and (4) strive to develop Ph.D. programs. Externally, there are three primary issues that SEM is watching closely: (1) the ranking of programs and disciplines on both the municipal and national levels affect the comprehensive competitiveness of schools, (2) intense competition to enroll high-performance students, and (3) intense competition faced by graduates in the job market.


To learn more:

The Strategic Plan of SEM (2018-2023) |Download


版权所有 北方工业大学 丨 经济管理学院丨 电话:010-88803286丨 京公网安备 110402430037号
