| 经济管理学院

Assessment Plan of SEM at NCUT 2018-2023



The purpose of this document is to provide a guide for assessing the overall academic effectiveness of the 4 undergraduate programs (Business Administration, Accounting, International Economics & Trade, Economics & Finance) offered by the School of Economics and Management (SEM) at North China University of Technology (NCUT) in 2020/2021. This document addresses the needs of accreditors, administrators, external stakeholders, students, and faculty. Accreditors set general standards including the requirement that actual results agree with the Stated Mission.

Administrators are accountable for program effectiveness and need to know whether the program is delivering promised learning outcomes. External stakeholders value the program’s effectiveness and also require and deserve empirical assurance of learning. Students need to know what they can reasonably expect to achieve from their investment of time and money in SEM undergraduate programs. The faculty is responsible for instructional effectiveness and for making continuous improvements to the program based on the analysis of collected assessment data.

Relationships to ACBSP standards and terminology

SEM has developed 4 undergraduate programs, and all these 4 programs are undergoing the accreditation process for ACBSP (www.acbsp.org). While this plan was designed to meet ACBSP standards and program definitions, which utilizes the term Standard 4: “The business unit must have a systematic student learning outcomes assessment process and plan that leads to continuous improvement. Student learning outcomes must be developed and implemented for each accredited program, and the results must be communicated to stakeholders.” SEM faculty has decided to apply ACBSP terminology throughout its assessment documentation. This plan and its language reflect that decision.

Under ACBSP standards, each learning goal must be supported by at least one measurable student learning outcome. A learning goal must be directly measurable in a way that can be mapped into a “yes, they did it” or “no, they didn’t” outcome. While at least one assessment tool must be used to measure each objective; multiple tools are encouraged.


To learn more:

Assessment Plan of SEM at NCUT (2018-2023) |Download


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